Shipping Information
Our Corporate Headquarters shipping / receiving / will-call address is:
MDC Precision
30962 Santana Street
Hayward, CA 94544
Our Florida factory shipping / receiving / will-call address is:
MDC Precision
6460 Parkland Drive
Sarasota, FL 34243
Our Texas factory shipping / receiving / will-call address is:
MDC Precision
828 New Meister Lane
Suite 100
Pflugerville, TX 78660
United States
Our EU factory shipping / receiving address is:
MDC Precision
4-7 Carters Lane
Kiln Farm
Milton Keynes, MK11 3ER
United Kingdom
Shipping Method:
All standard shipments are made by the following methods unless otherwise specified:
- All product shipments from MDC will be delivered FCA, MDC's shipping location
- Prepare and added to invoice (PPA)
- Shipped via the best way as determined by MDC
Nonstandard shipments must be specified by the customer. General notes include the following:
- Orders may be specified to ship collect
- Charges for nonstandard methods of shipping are determined by the specified carrier
- In some cases, oversized items may be charged at a "dimensional weight" rate which is substantially higher than surface rates
MDC recommends in all cases that an alternative carrier be named at the time of order.
Weights stated online are for reference only. Exact shipping weights are determined at the time of shipment.
Every effort will be made to ship within three (3) days of receipt of an order. In the event of a back-order, a firm delivery date will be established and quoted.